Are you looking for a new man in your life? A man who when you need a friend will fill that role? If you are, be careful that you don’t fall for the wrong one. Some men seem perfect at first, but then, little by little, their true nature begin to emerge, so to avoid the pain and heartache of getting too involved with the wrong type of man, here are types of men you should definitely avoid dating.
The stone broke guy: It’s not all about money, but a little does help! Unless you want to be paying for everything. Avoid the guy who always seems to have forgotten his ATM card or his wallet, if nothing else, you deserve a man with a bit more dignity than that.
The whole world hates me man: This is a guy who needs to grow up and sort himself out. If you want to be more, than just a shoulder to cry on, then stay well away from a man who thinks that the whole world is against him.
Guy’s on the rebound: A guy who still getting over his ex, is bad news. He will either be staring into space, dreaming of his old girlfriend or, worse, he could be using you for revenge. Sometimes a guy like this is fine, but often it ends in heartbreak, because his feelings for you are not true.
The control freak: Stay well away from this one. He is the guy that wants to know where you are and what you are doing all the time. It won’t be long before he is telling you how to dress and what to say. Catch the warning signs of the control freak early, they could be signs of more dangerous things to come.
The man who’s looking in the mirror, all day long: It’s your right to spend more time in the bathroom than him, so be wary of a man that keeps you from that prerogative. Everyone likes to see a man look after himself, but no one wants a man who is so self-obsessed that he has no room for love for anyone else.
The Mommy’s boy: Some guys never come out from behind their mothers skirts, so don’t get pulled into a relationship with a man whose mother always seems to be on the scene. This type of guy will probably always put his mother first, so unless you feel prepared to live with his mother as well, there’s no future with a guy like this.
The guy who cheats to be with you: It’s not just that cheating is wrong; it’s what it says about the guy you are with as well. It’s quite simple really; if he’s prepared to cheat to be with you, then won’t he prepare to cheat on you too?
The too quick to love you man: Let’s be honest; love at first sight is rare, except in the movies. If a guy is too quick to say ‘I love you’, then there is a good chance that these words don’t mean that much to him, as perhaps they do to you. Be careful with the ‘too quick to love you man’ or you could find yourself with a broken heart.
Peter Pan man: The guy that still looks like a man and acts like a boy, may never really grow up at all. What this guy is really saying is that he doesn’t want to grow up and take on responsibilities, so leave him where he’s happiest, in Neverland!!
My ex is my best friend’ man: When it’s over, it should be over, so be careful about a man who says he is still friends with his ex. Men often still hold a secret candle for their ex and it wouldn’t take a lot to re-ignite the old flame.
Stay beautiful and happy!
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Tricks Nigerian women use to trap men into marriage
Society says you are incomplete until you’re married. Once you get to certain age, everyone expects you to get married. Your parents are expecting you to get married so you can give them grandchildren. Your friends are all getting married too and you are feeling left out. In a desperate bid to get married and fit into society, some ladies will go to whatever extent to trap a man into marriage. The truth is, there are people in this world who want what they want, when they want it and how they want it and who will never accept NO for an answer. Below are some things ladies do to trap men into marriage.

Most of women who think their men are not willing to make a serious commitment often use this common trick. This however doesn't work for everyone but it does for some. Some even fake the pregnancy and at the end of the day, they claim having a miscarriage.
The Virgin card: Some men only want to get married to virgins and some girls would deceive such men into believing they are one. Such ladies would refuse to have sex until they were married because they wanted to “save themselves” for their husband.
The Obedient and hard-working girlfriend: Some ladies would say yes to a man’s every demand. They would never argue or nag, no matter what. They would be at his house every weekend washing, cleaning and cooking. Just marry them and they would show you their true colours. When you make them wives, that’s when you’ll realize they are not so obedient after all and are not even hard working.
Becoming a church worker: Some ladies would become very committed in church. They would either join the choir or the ushering unit, where they would be noticed easily. They would attend every church activity and act really ‘holy’, just marry them and all the holiness will disappear.
Sucking up to his family: Some ladies will make it a point of duty to warm their way into his family. They would suck up to that family member he is very close to, maybe his mother or sibling. If he is a mommy’s boy, getting along with his mother is as important to them as getting along with him, at least until the wedding.
........Guys Beware!!!!!!
Most of women who think their men are not willing to make a serious commitment often use this common trick. This however doesn't work for everyone but it does for some. Some even fake the pregnancy and at the end of the day, they claim having a miscarriage.
The Virgin card: Some men only want to get married to virgins and some girls would deceive such men into believing they are one. Such ladies would refuse to have sex until they were married because they wanted to “save themselves” for their husband.
The Obedient and hard-working girlfriend: Some ladies would say yes to a man’s every demand. They would never argue or nag, no matter what. They would be at his house every weekend washing, cleaning and cooking. Just marry them and they would show you their true colours. When you make them wives, that’s when you’ll realize they are not so obedient after all and are not even hard working.
Becoming a church worker: Some ladies would become very committed in church. They would either join the choir or the ushering unit, where they would be noticed easily. They would attend every church activity and act really ‘holy’, just marry them and all the holiness will disappear.
Sucking up to his family: Some ladies will make it a point of duty to warm their way into his family. They would suck up to that family member he is very close to, maybe his mother or sibling. If he is a mommy’s boy, getting along with his mother is as important to them as getting along with him, at least until the wedding.
........Guys Beware!!!!!!
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Ways to avoid the FRIEND ZONE and make her DESIRE you...
How to avoid the friend zone: Afraid you’ll end up being just a friend with the girl you like? Use these tips on how to avoid the friend zone if you want to get into her pants. The friend zone is a tricky place to fall in.
You may be trying hard to get close to a girl, close enough to tell her that you like her, but one fine day she turns around and tells you that you’re such a great friend, or worse, you’re just like a brother to her. Ever been there? I hope you haven’t.
Guys find themselves falling into the friend zone almost all the time.
It’s frustrating and demeaning, and at times, inevitable.
You may get really close to a girl with all the hopes of getting into her pants, but somewhere along the way, you may have taken a few detours that led you right into the friend zone.
What is a friend zone?
According to Lucas, friend zone is a happy place for a girl. It’s a place where she and a guy can sit together and talk about anything and get real friendly with each other.
For a guy, a friend zone is the worst place to be in, especially when he likes the girl who behaves like a friend.
In a friend zone, the two involved friends of the opposite sex are just friends and nothing more. They project no sexual interest towards each other and behave in a completely platonic manner.
But can any guy ever be friends with a girl he finds sexually attractive? Of course not. He can try to be a friend with the hope of getting an occasional cuddle or a warm boob pressing hug now and then, but he’s always going to be just be a friend while she dates every other guy in the yearbook
How do guys end up falling into the friend zone?
A guy falls into a friend zone for very obvious reasons. He behaves like a friend. And he never lets the girl know that he has more than friendly intentions on his mind.
And soon enough, the girl loses all realization of the fact that this guy has a package down there. And he just becomes another sexless thing she hangs out with all the time as a platonic friend.
So why do some guys end up as friends instead of boyfriends or sex buddies? Here’s why.
#1 They get too close. Getting too close to a girl on platonic grounds will never help you. You may assume that it’s the easiest way to get a girl to know you better. She’ll definitely get to know you better, but only as a friend.
#2 No sexual chemistry. If a guy likes a girl, he has to make it subtly obvious that he’s sexually interested in her. If a guy behaves like a pushover and a doormat, no girl will feel even a tingle of sexual chemistry.
#3 The girl’s not attracted to the guy. This sucks, but this is the most common scenario. The guy’s probably creepy, annoying or just not good enough to be her boyfriend.
#4 The guy thinks she’s too good for him. At times, a guy may genuinely believe that the girl he likes is way too good for him. And instead of hitting on her, he secretly lusts for her, but gives up on pursuing her. Could you ever live with yourself by just being the friend of a sexy girl who dates every other guy but you?
#5 He plays the true friend card. It works in the movies all the time. The girl has a best friend who’s always there for her. She goes ahead and dates every single guy in the world and finally, at the end of the movie she sees her true love in the form of her best friend. How touching! And that’s why they call it the movies. In real life, you can’t become a girl’s boyfriend just by behaving like a best friend.
How to avoid getting into the friend zone
It’s really easy to avoid the friend zone. All you need to do is drop a few hints now and then to let her know that you’re really into her. Use these easy tips to get the message across and get her to desire you while you’re at it.
#1 Be a friend without behaving like her other friends. Don’t talk nonsense for hours or spend time talking about her problems in life. Talk about places she visits, movies she’s watched, and her plans for the weekend. Talk date talk and she’ll sense the chemistry in the air.
#2 Try to talk to her when she’s alone. If her other friends are around, talk to her if you must or just avoid her. You can’t really hit on a girl when she’s surrounded by a bevy of friends.
But when you find her alone, make sure you turn on your charm and impress her. See her alone? Chat her up. And if one of her friends come by, grumble audibly in a funny manner and say something like “just when I thought I was going to get some alone time with you, this guy pops up out of nowhere!” and just laugh. She’ll be confused and wonder if you’re being serious or just joking.
But she’ll get the hint that you like spending time with her alone. Make it obvious that you like spending time with her in whatever way possible, but don’t ask her out or tell her you like her just yet.
#3 Compliment her when she deserves it. Flatter her pants off. If she looks good, tell her she looks hot. If you see a hint of cleavage and she catches you staring, just laugh, apologize and tell it you couldn’t resist it. Add a few funny sexual remarks and you’ll never get into the friend zone.
#4 Touch her and treat her like your girlfriend. But do it respectfully though. Clasp her hand while crossing the street and open doors for her when it’s just the both of you. Make her feel like a queen, and she’ll love the attention. But when her friends are around, don’t give her any preferential treatment. Let her realize that you’re special to her only when it’s just the two of you.
#5 Make her feel special and exclusive. Gift her something small and personal, but tell her to keep it a secret. When you create secrets, you build sexual chemistry and suspense which leads to romance.
#6 Ask her out and change the topic. When you’re talking to her for a while, ask her out for lunch. See how she responds. But within a second, change the topic. Don’t wait for her to answer. It’ll seem like a joke, but it’ll still make her wonder if you really do want to date her. Don’t make things awkward by waiting a while before saying something else. Keep it simple, keep it funny and yet reveal all the dirty thoughts in your mind, and change the topic immediately.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Ladies!!! How to be pregnant with a baby boy!!
How to be pregnant with a baby boy: For those of you hoping to have a baby boy, reading & applying this gives you a greater chance of achieving your dream. For as long as we have been making babies, women have been exchanging ideas about how to increase their chances of having either a boy or a girl.
Having said that, there’ll always be a mum who tells you an old wives’ tale worked for her. So if you fancy defying the experts and trying to tip the balance towards one sex yourself, why not try some of the suggestions below.
You’re more likely to conceive a boy if…
- You have sex on the day of ovulation, as male sperm are thought to swim faster and reach the egg first.
- You reach orgasm before your partner, as this releases an alkaline fluid, thought to be more male-sperm friendly than the vagina’s natural acidity.
- You have deep penetration during sex, such as from behind (doggie-style).
- Your partner has a high sperm count. This is because male sperm are not as strong as female sperm, and so the higher the count, the more chance there is of a male sperm reaching the egg first.
- You avoid sex for a week before ovulation and then only have sex once on ovulation day, to keep the sperm count high.
- You make love at night.
- You make love on odd days of the month.
- You eat salty food, plenty of meat, fish, white flour, pasta, fresh fruit, certain vegetables, but avoid milk and dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, nuts, chocolate, shellfish and wholemeal bread....
Top 10 signs your lover is cheating on you..
Recent studies show that cheating at some point in a relationship is pretty common. With such alarming indices, one may wonder if his/her mate is cheating. If you have a “gut” feeling that something is going on, chances are high that you could be correct.
Here are the top ten signs to look for that might mean your partner is cheating:
1. S/He takes the cell phone everywhere. Taking the phone everywhere, including the bathroom, is a red flag. Doing so can help the cheating partner hide text messages or make secret calls. If your partner is attached at the hip to the cell phone there might be cause for alarm.
2. S/He always has a reason you cannot hang out or visit their living space. Not being able to visit, announced or otherwise, could mean there is something to hide. In the early stages of a relationship, this boundary is expected. But as time progresses and the boundary remains high, cheating might be the reason.
3. S/He no longer initiates or seems interested in sex. A sudden decrease in interest in being intimate could mean that someone else is satisfying your partner.
4. S/He falls off the map suddenly and frequently. You’re texting or messaging and all of a sudden your partner falls off the map. When asked, s/he does not give a clear or reasonable explanation.
5. Working late… a lot! Suddenly, when you ask to make plans the excuse is always “I have to work late.” Perhaps the excuse is legitimate on occasion, but when this excuse becomes habitual it could be a red flag for cheating activities.
6. Always ready to run an errand. When a partner always volunteers to run an errand or looks for insignificant reasons to get out of the house, cheating could be the culprit.
7. S/He gets upset if you touch his/her phone. You pick up his phone to check the time or date and your partner overreacts. This response could be an indication that there is something in the phone to hide.
7. S/He gets upset if you touch his/her phone. You pick up his phone to check the time or date and your partner overreacts. This response could be an indication that there is something in the phone to hide.
8. Sudden increased interest in appearance. A new wardrobe and a new perfume or cologne could be signs on interest in someone else.
9. S/He keeps you a clandestine secret. S/he has met your friends but not the reverse. Being kept a secret could be a sign that there is something to hide from you.
10. S/He avoids contact with you on social media. You are not allowed to follow him/her on Instagram or you cannot be his/her friend on Facebook are big, red warning signs that your partner could have a secret relationship.
Indeed, accusations of cheating and infidelity are serious. These are just a few things to look for that could possibly indicate fidelity. With more than half of both genders engaging in cheating behaviours, the likelihood that your intuition is right is pretty high.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Four Reasons ladies love bad guys!!
We all know the stereotype that women love bad boys because nice guys whine about it all the time. But there is some truth to the stereotype. A recent study showed that men with “bad boy” traits such as disagreeableness, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism did indeed have more romantic partners than humble and agreeable guys.
While I am not suggesting a guy become a bad boy (or that women date them), nice guys could learn a thing or two from bad boys—minus the jerk behaviour, of course.
1. Bad boys will talk to any woman they meet.
While a “nice guy” is quietly building up the courage to talk to the woman from work he has stared
at for months, thirty bad boys have already hit on her. The odds are pretty good she has begun dating one of them, while the nice guy is still mentally preparing to talk to her.
The narcissistic bad boy has no problem using a lame pickup line on a hundred girls a month. And even if 99 girls reject him, that one success a month will put him ahead of the nice guy who is too afraid to talk to any girls.
2. Bad boys are confident.
Most people don’t like cocky guys. However, most of us like whiny, needy, and pathetic guys even less. A bad boy may be bad news in many ways, but his cocky “Who cares what anybody thinks of me?” demeanor is more attractive than the “Woe is me, I can’t get a date” attitude of some nice guys. In terms of attracting women, narcissistic overconfidence beats crippling insecurity any day.
3. Bad boys are charming.
Psychopaths aren’t all criminals. In fact, there are more psychopaths in business leadership positions than in prisons. Psychopaths are often well-liked and manipulative charmers, and they know how to use humour, charm, and compliments to make a girl feel good, even if they don’t mean any of it. The bad boy has already won a girl over with his charm before most nice guys can get an awkward “I kind of like you” out of their mouths.
4. Bad boys will talk to even the most guarded women.
Every guy who has ever gone to a club is familiar with women who get dragged there with their friends, hating every second of it. They glare at any guy who so much as looks like he is going to approach them. This scares off most guys, except those men who are so self-centered that a woman’s hostile body language doesn’t even affect them.
The bad boy approaches these “difficult” women, turns on his charm, and occasionally connects with them. It is not just the case at clubs. Bad boys will approach girls that other guys are afraid to approach, including those women that other men have determined are “out of their league.” Why is that really pretty girl with a bad boy? Likely it is because a “nice guy” was too afraid to talk to her but a bad boy wasn’t!!
Real truth about love at first sight!!
Do you believe in love at first sight? Many people have varying degrees of acceptance when it comes to this kind of love because, quite frankly, it’s rather shallow. But what does one feel when they experience this? Matt Preston reveals the truth. As cliché as love at first sight may sound, it’s truly an experience of a lifetime.
Falling in love in an instant
I remember the first time I experienced love at first sight. I was in my sixth grade, just a little boy who came to write his common entrance examination. I was mildly fascinated, look at all the new faces in the crowd, from different schools. As I scanned the full hall, my eyes saw a girl I had never seen before. She was sitting a couple of seats to my left, and she was beautiful and divine.
I remember the first time I experienced love at first sight. I was in my sixth grade, just a little boy who came to write his common entrance examination. I was mildly fascinated, look at all the new faces in the crowd, from different schools. As I scanned the full hall, my eyes saw a girl I had never seen before. She was sitting a couple of seats to my left, and she was beautiful and divine.
Barely did I see her face for a few seconds and my world stopped for a moment, and everything blurred into oblivion, everything but her beautiful face.
A moment later, she turned towards me and looked back at me. Our eyes met and at that moment, in an instant beyond time frames, I came face to face with a new emotion. It was overwhelming in all senses of the word.
My stomach jolted and twisted in coils and I wanted to throw up. My body heated up instantly like I was experiencing spontaneous human combustion, and I felt dizzy and numb. But yet, with all these horrible emotions flowing through me, I felt deliriously happy. And I felt so light, like I could fly, no, like I could just turn into mist and poof!
When our eyes met
Our eyes met for what seemed like eternity, or perhaps just a second or two in reality, and I just had to look away. I don’t know why, but if I had stared any longer I would have thrown up. It was a perfect blend of ecstasy and fear. My adrenalin was pumping and my heart was beating so hard I could feel my tongue vibrating in sync.
Within moments, I realized I was addicted to her. I just had to look back at her and stare at that beautiful face. I couldn’t help thinking God must have been high when he created her. She was beyond an inspiration.
I kept glancing at her nervously, taking in as much of her as I could, but it was never enough. I was craving to see her face, like a man gasping for air at a high altitude. And every now and then, when our eyes met, I had a relapse of stomach jolts and intoxication.
This happened back and forth for almost an hour, and with each passing minute, I was drawn deeper and deeper into this experience.
What happened next?
Well, love at first sight was a good start. But falling in love immediately also makes you lose your senses. I tried talking to her that day, but I was a nervous wreck.
She turned me down, and I never did see her ever again. But that first memory of experiencing love was so intense that I can still visualize it like it happened just yesterday, even though that incident probably took place close to two decades ago.
But now I know why I experienced such emotions and felt that way towards that girl. Frankly, it wasn’t my fault, because there’s more to love at first sight than meets the eye!
Evolution and love at first sight
Over the course of human evolution, we’ve progressed and evolved to become better at a few things that really matter. We’ve learnt to eat, procreate and survive.
And there are a lot of complex processes that subconsciously set things into motion when these three things that really matter enter the picture. When it comes to procreation, evolution has taught us how to fall in love, get sexually excited by someone, and desire someone passionately.
Falling in love at first sight
All of us have created a subconscious mental image of our potential partner. When we walk into a room, without really realizing it, you’ll find yourself liking a few potential partners and not bothering with a few.
And at times, a potential partner whom you are attracted to may start warming up to you or get attracted to you too. So does love at first sight work? It most definitely does!
Science playing matchmaker
Not all of us fall in love within seconds. It has been seen in studies that men are more prone to falling in love immediately than women. It seems like men are more stimulated by visual appeal than women. On the other hand, women experience romantic chemistry a lot better than men.
What does that mean? Men know they like a woman the very second they see her. But in the case of women, they usually fall in love with someone after the first conversation.
Kissing secrets, body scent and love
Did you know that your first kiss can affect your chemistry in love too? Studies have shown that the exchange of saliva can also be a test for love. Every time you kiss, genes of major histocompatibility complex [MHC] get exchanged between two people, and if your genes share too many similarities, you might actually get turned off and lose the attraction, says Dr. Claus Wedekind at the University of Edinburg.
And it’s not just the kiss, your body scent too can predict whether you will experience love at first sight.
Subconsciously, all of us are drawn to certain scents in our partner’s bodies. Did you get a whiff of true love when you’re rubbing shoulders at a party? You’re definitely going to experience love at first sight that night.......To be continued!!
Saturday, 14 March 2015
11 ways we hurt our romantic relationships (Must See)
It’s not easy to have a great relationship with your boy/girlfriend, partner, or spouse. But it’s not impossible, either — it takes some work, of course, but it’s good work, work that’s a joy when everything comes together.
A lot of times, though, the work isn’t enough. We get in our own way with ideas and attitudes about relationships that are not only wrong, but often work to undermine our relationships no matter how hard we work at it.
A lot of times, though, the work isn’t enough. We get in our own way with ideas and attitudes about relationships that are not only wrong, but often work to undermine our relationships no matter how hard we work at it.
I’ve watched a lot of breakups (some of them my own). I’ve seen dramatic flare-ups and drawn-out slow fades, and I’ve tried to pay attention to what seems to be going on. Here are a few of the things I’ve seen that cause people to destroy their own relationships.
1. You’re playing to win
One of the deadliest killers of relationships is the competitive urge. I don’t mean competition in the sense that you can’t stand to lose at tennis, I mean the attitude that the relationship itself is a kind of game that you’re tying to win. People in competitive relationships are always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they can hold over their partner’s head. If you feel that there are things you can’t tell your partner because she or he will use it against you, you’re in a competitive relationship — but not for long.
2. You don’t trust
There are two aspects of trust that are important in relationships. One is trusting your partner enough to know that s/he won’t cheat on you or otherwise hurt you — and to know that he or she trusts you that way, too. The other is trusting them enough to know they won’t leave you or stop loving you no matter what you do or say. The second that level of trust is gone, whether because one of you takes advantage of that trust and does something horrible or because one of you thinks the other has, the relationship is over — even if it takes 10 more years for you to break up.
3. You don’t talk
Too many people hold their tongues about things that bother or upset them in their relationship, either because they don’t want to hurt their partner, or because they’re trying to win. (See #1 above; example: “If you don’t know why I am mad, I am certainly not going to tell you!”) While this might make things easier in the short term, in the long run it gradually erodes the foundation of the relationship away. Little issues grow into bigger and bigger problems — problems that don’t get fixed because your partner is blissfully unaware, or worse, is totally aware of them but thinks they don’t really bother you. Ultimately, keeping quiet reflects a lack of trust — and, as I said that’s the death of a relationship.
4. You don’t listen
Listening — really listening — is hard. It’s normal to want to defend ourselves when we hear something that seems like criticism, so instead of really hearing someone out, we interrupt to explain or excuse ourselves, or we turn inward to prepare our defense. But your partner deserves your active listening. S/he even deserves you to hear the between-the-lines content of daily chit-chat, to suss out his/her dreams and desires when even s/he doesn’t even know exactly what they are. If you can’t listen that way, at least to the person you love, there’s a problem.
5. You spend like a single person
This was a hard lesson for me to learn — until it broke up a 3-year relationship. When you’re single, you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, with little regard for the future. It’s not necessarily wise, but you’re the only one who has to pay the consequences. When you are with someone in a long-term relationship, that is no longer a possibility. Your partner — and your children, if there are or will be any — will have to bear the brunt of your spending, so you’d better get in the habit of taking care of household necessities first and then, if there’s anything left over, of discussing with your partner the best way to use it.
This is an increasing problem these days, because more and more people are opting to keep their finances separate, even when they’re married. There’s nothing wrong with that kind of arrangement in and of itself, but it demands more communication and involvement between the partners, not less. If you’re spending money as if it was your money and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do with it, your relationship is doomed.
6. You’re afraid of breaking up
Nobody in a truly happy partnership is afraid of breaking up. If you are, that’s a big warning sign that something’s wrong. But often, what’s wrong is the fear itself. Not only does it betray a lack of trust, but it shows a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem — you’re afraid that there’s no good reason for someone to want to be with you, and that sooner or later your partner will “wise up” and take off. So you pour more energy into keeping up the appearance of a happy relationships than you do into building yourself up as a person. Quite frankly, this isn’t going to be very satisfying for you, and it also isn’t going to be very satisfying for your partner.
7. You’re dependent
There’s a thin line between companionship and support and dependency. If you depend on your partner — that is, if you absolutely cannot live without her or him — you’ve crossed that line. The pressure is now on your partner to fill whatever’s missing in you — a pressure s/he will learn to resent. If you expect your partner to bring everything while you bring nothing to your relationship — and I’m talking finances as well as emotional support, here — you’re in trouble. (Note: I’m not saying that you need to contribute equally to household finances — what I’m saying is that if you’re not contributing to the household budget, and you’re not contributing anywhere else, things are out of whack and that’s never good.)
8. You expect happiness
A sign of a bad relationship is that one or both partners expect either to make the other happy or for their partner to make them happy. This is not only an unrealistic expectation to lay on yourself or on them — nobody can “make” you happy, except you — but it’s an unrealistic expectation to lay on your relationship. Relationships aren’t only about being happy, and there’s lots of times when you won’t and even shouldn’t be. Being able to rely on someone even when you’re upset, miserable, depressed, or grieving is a lot more important than being happy all the time. If you expect your partner to make you happy or worse, you’re frustrated because you aren’t able to make your partner happy — your relationship isn’t going to fare well when it hits a rough spot.
9. You never fight
A good argument is essential, every now and then. In part, arguing helps bring out the little stuff before it becomes major, but also, fighting expresses anger which is a perfectly normal part of a human’s emotional make-up. Your relationship has to be strong enough to hold all of who you are, not just the sunny stuff.
One reason couples don’t fight is that they fear conflict — which reflects a lack of trust and a foundation of fear. That’s bad. Another reason couples avoid arguments is that they’ve learned that anger is unreasonable and unproductive. They’ve learned that arguing represents a breakdown rather than a natural part of a relationship’s development. While an argument isn’t pleasant, it can help both partners to articulate issues they may not have even known they had — and help keep them from simmering until you cross a line you can’t come back from.
10. You expect it to be easy/you expect it to be hard
There are two deeply problematic attitudes about relationships I hear often. One is that a relationship should be easy, that if you really love each other and are meant to be together, it will work itself out. The other is that anything worth having is going to be hard — and that therefore if it’s hard, it must be worth having.
The outcome of both views is that you don’t work at your relationship. You don’t work because it’s supposed to be easy and therefore not need any work, or you don’t work because it’s supposed to be hard and it wouldn’t be hard if you worked at it. In both cases, you quickly get burnt out — either because the problems you’re ignoring really don’t go away just because you think they should. or because the problems you’re cultivating are a constant drag on your energy. A relationship that’s too much work might be suffering from one of the attitudes above, but a relationship that doesn’t seem to need any work isn’t any better.
11. Your choices
There isn’t any one answer to any of the problems above. There are choices though: you can either seek out an answer, something that addresses why you are hurting your relationship, or you can resign yourself to the failure of your relationship (and maybe the next one, and the next one, and…). Failure doesn’t always mean you break up — many people aren’t that lucky. But people can live quite unhappily in failed relationships for years and even decades because they’re afraid they won’t find anything better, or worse, they’re afraid they deserve it. Don’t you be one of them — if you suffer from any of these problems, figure out how to fix it, whether that means therapy, a solo mountain retreat, or just talking to your partner and committing yourselves to change.
How to know your co-worker is secretly & madly in love with you but too shy to let you know
People fall in love any time, any day, anywhere and its allowed. Some people find it too difficult to let out their feelings because of shyness. Trying to determine if a co-worker likes you or not can be confusing if not frustrating. So here are some ways to find out.
#These twelve signs are all ways to tell if a co-worker secretly likes you. You can add yours.
Finding reasons to be near you.
If she, or he, is constantly at your desk and seeking you out discreetly, it’s a guarantee that the person likes you. Finding any reason to have contact with you is an obvious sign of affection or admiration.
Hinged on your every word.
Does the person listen intuitively to you? If he or she is hinging on your words, agreeing with your ideas. it’s a sure bet they have deeper feelings than co-worker simply conversing.
Watch for change in behaviour or voice tone.
Normal interaction with other co-workers may not match how that person interacts with you. Is the person louder and more socially aggressive with other office personnel? But tones down the behaviour when you’re near? This change can indicate a good possibly that this co-worker secretively likes you. Softer voices are signs of intimacy.
Be alert to body language.
Leaning into you as if to hear you better or the slightest arm touch can both be signs that a co-worker secretly likes you. Watch how the co-worker intermingles with others and then see how he or she connects with you. If the person leans into you while talking, the closeness will be noticed.
Direct eye contact and long gazes.
Long held eye contact is a sure sign that your co-worker secretly likes you. The person may not be able to put their feelings into words so they rely on subtle hints of longing looks. The looks can also be quick and barely noticed so pay attention.
Pay attention to the little things.
Not the balloons or flowers for your birthday but the little notes being left for you.
Bringing you coffee/tea just the way you like it.
Making sure all your messages are hand delivered.
Watch for these little signs.
Purposely being called out.
If that co-worker constantly calls upon you, but you know he or she knows the answer, may be a clear sign that they have a secret crush on you. Allegedly needed to have you back up their thoughts is how they may mask the reassurance but in reality it’s the closeness to you they’re seeking.
Talking and sharing life outside.
Talking, texting and visiting outside the office is another guarantee a co-worker secretly likes you. When you start sharing life’s little moments and look forward to the connection, you have someone with a secret crush on you.
First to arrive and last to leave.
Watch the schedule of this person. If they arrive early like you or leave later than the other co-workers, this could be a sign they want to be alone with you and are intimidated to tell you they have a secret crush on you.
Partaking in silly little games.
Has this person given you a silly little nickname? Or is he or she flinging rubber bands at you? Any child-like behaviour comes through as a young person’s crush.
#These twelve signs are all ways to tell if a co-worker secretly likes you. You can add yours.
Friday, 13 March 2015
25 diseases and medical conditions that can be cured by simply having sex
–Sex often leads to deadly diseases and subsequent death if done wrongly. However, when a faithful couple engages in sex at the right time, in the right way, it is said to be a remedy for curing lot’s of diseases and medical conditions.
Below are 25 known medical conditions researchers, doctors and scientists have discovered that sex can easily get rid of:
1. Depression:
Without the help of researchers, just about anyone can agree that sex will make you feel good about yourself and just a bit more confident. But one researcher has said there’s a scientific explanation that goes a bit farther. Professor Gordon Gallop says that there’s an unknown chemical in semen that has an antidepressant effect on women.
Without the help of researchers, just about anyone can agree that sex will make you feel good about yourself and just a bit more confident. But one researcher has said there’s a scientific explanation that goes a bit farther. Professor Gordon Gallop says that there’s an unknown chemical in semen that has an antidepressant effect on women.
2. Pregnancy:
Sex is both the cause and the cure for pregnancy. Women who are ready to induce labour often have sex to speed up the process, and research backs up this method. Semen contains prostaglandins, which help the cervix prepare to open and orgasms produce oxytocin, which will help cause contractions.
Sex is both the cause and the cure for pregnancy. Women who are ready to induce labour often have sex to speed up the process, and research backs up this method. Semen contains prostaglandins, which help the cervix prepare to open and orgasms produce oxytocin, which will help cause contractions.
3. Headaches:
Although sex can sometimes bring on a headache, it can cure them too. The tension release your body experiences during and after sex can ease restricted blood vessels in the brain.
Although sex can sometimes bring on a headache, it can cure them too. The tension release your body experiences during and after sex can ease restricted blood vessels in the brain.
4. Menstrual cramps:
Sex acts as an analgesic to relieve menstrual pain, primarily because of the relaxation and endorphins sex brings.
5. Arthritis:
In his book, “How to Treat Arthritis with Sex and Alcohol,” rheumatologist Carter V. Multz asserts that sex, as well as alcohol and other complementary treatments, can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis.
In his book, “How to Treat Arthritis with Sex and Alcohol,” rheumatologist Carter V. Multz asserts that sex, as well as alcohol and other complementary treatments, can reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis.
6. Common cold:
Manfred Schedlovski, a Swiss researcher from Zurich, asserts that sex has a positive effect on phagocytes, which are a part of the immune system that goes after alien bodies, like cold germs, and kills them. Phagocytes are increased significantly during sex and will often double after orgasm.
Manfred Schedlovski, a Swiss researcher from Zurich, asserts that sex has a positive effect on phagocytes, which are a part of the immune system that goes after alien bodies, like cold germs, and kills them. Phagocytes are increased significantly during sex and will often double after orgasm.
7. Stress:
Orgasms offer a great way to relax, and even non orgasmic sex offers some relief. Dr. Joshua Golden asserts sex’s relaxation properties, as well as emotional benefits.
8. Tooth decay:
Kissing, as well as oral sex, encourages saliva production. This increase in saliva helps to wash food particles from your teeth, prevents plaque build-up and helps lower decay-causing acid. Additionally, seminal plasma has been shown to help prevent tooth decay.
9. Erectile dysfunction:
By exercising your Kegel muscles with frequent sex and delaying ejaculation, men can help strengthen muscles enough to help with minor erection problems.
By exercising your Kegel muscles with frequent sex and delaying ejaculation, men can help strengthen muscles enough to help with minor erection problems.
10. High blood pressure:
Semen has been found to lower blood pressure in women. Specifically, swallowing semen can help ward off pre-pre-eclampsia, which is a dangerously high blood pressure that sometimes occurs during pregnancy.
11. Insomnia:
Many people find that the relaxation they experience after sex helps them go to sleep.
Many people find that the relaxation they experience after sex helps them go to sleep.
12. Prostate cancer:
Men who ejaculate more frequently have been found to be at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Men who ejaculate more frequently have been found to be at a lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
13. Hangovers:
Sex may not save your liver, but it will help you shake off a funk. Having sex will help boost your endorphins and oxytocins, which stimulate muscle contraction and help you avoid aggressiveness.
Sex may not save your liver, but it will help you shake off a funk. Having sex will help boost your endorphins and oxytocins, which stimulate muscle contraction and help you avoid aggressiveness.
14. Toxic system:
Sex gets your blood pumping faster, which helps to rid the body of waste.
Sex gets your blood pumping faster, which helps to rid the body of waste.
15. Heart disease:
Studies have shown that if men have sex twice a week or more, they tend to have a lower risk of heart attack. For women, increased levels of estrogen caused by sex help to protect against heart disease.
Studies have shown that if men have sex twice a week or more, they tend to have a lower risk of heart attack. For women, increased levels of estrogen caused by sex help to protect against heart disease.
16. Stubborn wounds:
Studies have found that oxytocin, which is released during sex, can help wounds heal faster.
Studies have found that oxytocin, which is released during sex, can help wounds heal faster.
17. Low energy:
Sex increases energy through exercise and emotional well-being.
Sex increases energy through exercise and emotional well-being.
18. Minor cognitive problems:
Whenever you become sexually excited or have an orgasm, the hormone DHEA is released. DHEA has been found to improve cognition.
Whenever you become sexually excited or have an orgasm, the hormone DHEA is released. DHEA has been found to improve cognition.
19. Skin irritations:
The sweat released during sex will cleanse your pores, helping to relieve rashes, blemishes, and other skin problems.
The sweat released during sex will cleanse your pores, helping to relieve rashes, blemishes, and other skin problems.
20. Pain:
Orgasm releases endorphins, which will alleviate pain for just about everything.
Orgasm releases endorphins, which will alleviate pain for just about everything.
21. Obesity:
Although few doctors are likely to prescribe a sex diet, the fact is that sex is a form of exercise. Performing the act of sex requires physical activity that will burn calories and strengthen your heart. It’s a special great exercise for those who have little motivation to get to the gym.
Although few doctors are likely to prescribe a sex diet, the fact is that sex is a form of exercise. Performing the act of sex requires physical activity that will burn calories and strengthen your heart. It’s a special great exercise for those who have little motivation to get to the gym.
22. Incontinence:
Every time you have sex, you’re exercising your Kegel muscles, which are the same ones you use to stem the flow of urine.
Every time you have sex, you’re exercising your Kegel muscles, which are the same ones you use to stem the flow of urine.
23. Weak bones and muscles:
Sex brings on a boost of testosterone, which helps to make your bones and muscles strong.
Sex brings on a boost of testosterone, which helps to make your bones and muscles strong.
24. Semen allergy:
Unfortunately, some women are allergic to their partner’s semen. However, along with other treatments, frequent sex has been found to work as an effective desensitization therapy for this allergy.
Unfortunately, some women are allergic to their partner’s semen. However, along with other treatments, frequent sex has been found to work as an effective desensitization therapy for this allergy.
25. Death:
That’s right, sex can help ward off death for men. Professor Stuart Brody reports that men who orgasm twice a week are half as likely to die as those who only orgasm once a month.
That’s right, sex can help ward off death for men. Professor Stuart Brody reports that men who orgasm twice a week are half as likely to die as those who only orgasm once a month.
Now go and have lots of sex to stay healthy!!
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