Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Why Men Have Side Chics And Mistresses

       Its a well known fact that men cheat with side chics and have Mistresses because of sex. However, there are other factors that make them stick to these women. If your partner is unfaithful, it’s not your fault but these tips can help strengthen a marriage/relationship, decreasing the chances of infidelity.

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1. Time

It’s common among married women to worry too much about household management, children, housework, organising strict schedules and diagramming every minute of the day. It’s easy to always be aiming for the picture-perfect family. But these behaviours become damaging to the family and especially to husbands when these routines take priority. Spend quality time with your husband. Don’t put your children ahead of your spouse, and leave your parents out of your relationship. Don’t choose laundry over a good talk, and don’t decide to scrub the kitchen when you could go on a walk together.

2. Excitement

When we get caught up in daily tasks, we become boring (and even bored). Any woman, regardless of marital status, should have her own life: reading, studying, writing, learning new skills and taking care of herself. Be your own person. Your husband will value your joy, intelligence, hard work, beauty and good humour. When you are interested in yourself, you will become irresistible. People who know how to be themselves are the most interesting.

3. Romantic interest

Many wives believe it’s a husband’s obligation to love them. It’s sad to meet women who believe love is a light that never goes out. What a mistake! To be in love, we must constantly work to nurture that love and not lose the things that made us fall in love with that person. Always find ways to serve your spouse and tell him you love him. Remember, you aren’t forced to stay together, but you stay because you want to. You aren’t dependent on someone else to be happy, but you can help each other be happy by working at staying in love.

4. Acceptance

Some women are extremely busy “improving” their husbands, but all this does is make their husbands feel they aren’t good enough. The desire to improve ourselves needs to come from within. Trying to change others is an act of selfishness. You married a man, not a child who needs to finish being raised.

5. Freedom from judgement

Contrary to what most people think, infidelity in men has little to do with intimate relationships or the physical beauty of women. It’s actually common to see that the “other woman” is usually not as beautiful as the wife; she’s just happier, more relaxed, less strict and full of life. Men often look for someone to talk to, who will listen and not judge or criticise them.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Ways To Cultivate Happiness Within You Always Even When It Is So Hard

   It is easy to choose happiness when we are sitting on the peaks of our lives. But what about when we are lost in the valleys? On those days when we find it hard to put one foot in front of the other, we are tested to go deep. It is then that we realise that searching for happiness outside of ourselves is a recipe for failure, because happiness doesn’t lie in our job promotion, our new house or even in our bank account. It is in the reality that we create for ourselves through our thoughts.

This became evident for me when I first experienced the loss of a dear friend. You see death is the great equaliser. Not to be morbid, but the truth is that everyone on this earth is going to the same place.

In the end, two things will matter:

Were you happy?


Did you make others happy?

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If we can master the art of cultivating happiness even when times get hard and when everyone around us would expect us to be anything but happy, then we are truly the masters of our own destiny.

Here are some ways to cultivate happiness even when it is hard:

Realise that everything is temporary;

Whenever I was going through a rough time, my father would always say “remember that everything is temporary.” It is this same phrase that I have repeated to myself through the trials and tribulations of life. Whether I was going through the break up of a relationship or the loss of a loved one, realizing that everything is temporary is what carried me through my grief and helped me to go forward. You have every right to allow yourself the time to feel sad and grieve. But realize that your feeling of sadness will eventually turn into acceptance and your feeling of being overwhelmed will eventually turn into calm. This is the way of life. Our feelings come and our feelings go. What remains constant is the way that we process those feelings.

Reach out to your Home;

It is said that it takes a home to raise a child, but I believe that it takes a home to raise and sustain humans. We are not made to be islands, navigating through life alone. Human beings crave connection. So if you need help, there is nothing wrong in reaching out to your family house and asking for it. Happiness comes from surrounding yourself with those who inspire you and look out for your best interest. Many people believe that reaching out for help is a sign of weakness. Quite the contrary. Asking for help when you most need it shows confidence and strength. Self-care is vital to being happy. Sometimes you need a friend to watch your children so you can get some sleep or you need someone to listen to you vent so you can release all the feelings that have built up inside of you. Reach out to your home. Let them help you to continue to heal your body and soul. It is through nurturing your body that you can continue to nurture your mind.

Give happiness away;

There is no greater way that I can think to be happier than to give it away. When times get hard, we feel lonely and disconnected. Taking the attention away from yourself and giving it to someone else is just what we need to re-connect. When you realise that you have the power to provide happiness for another person, you tap into the interconnectedness of all life. You understand that you are a part of a greater rhythm. Your life is important. There is a purpose for you here. If you practice mindful meditation, you tap into the deeper parts of yourself. There you realise that everything is temporary, that you are not an island and that you have the ability to touch the life of another.

As Albert Camus wrote "In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back" 

So keep pushing forward. Put one foot in front of the other. And know that in the midst of winter in this valley of your life, lies within you an invincible summer. Always Be Happy.

                      - HAPPINESS IS A DEBT WE ALL OWE OURSELVES -

Ladies!!!! Say NO to laziness in bed..

  Sex is one of the most delicious forms of expressions known to man. Let’s not deceive ourselves, the very moment a man sees an attractive woman, his mind starts projecting a possible future of him tossing her on the bed and “Firing her like ferrari” to orgasmic bliss… Errmm maybe not exactly in such an aggressive sense, but everyone loves the idea of mating with an attractive person, and such always crosses the mind whether we try to deny it or not.

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 My focus today is ladies who make it difficult for us men in bed, then blame us when performance is less than what they expect.
In my experience with women and based on the experiences of several other ‘aggrieved’ males, I have noticed that many women are lazy in bed. After the first and second year of a relationship when the volcanic fires of passion have ebbed a little, they tend to retreat into a “lie down, spread the legs, moan for encouragement, and roll over when he is done” routine. This laziness is partly responsible for why many women have not experienced orgasms while having sex and this is part of why some men start misbehaving even when they have hot wives (P.S there is no excuse for cheating). Sex is a two way thing. the keyword,” Two”. This means that it goes both ways and one person cannot be held responsible for its success or failure.
 Now as much as 99.9 percent of men predominantly want to take the lead in the bedroom, and almost the same number of women tend to allow us all the time. Bad Idea!!! Only on rare occasions like one’s birthday, or sometime else when you’ve probably done something really nice for them, do they wrest out your d**k , and force you to enjoy yourself (if only it were everyday). Sex is very important in a relationship. I say this speaking for every sane man who hates HIV, doesn’t want baby mama drama to ruin his marriage, wants to be a model father for his son, doesn’t want his daughter to be cheated on, etc, “Add athletic sexual prowess to your other qualities, and cheating will be a thing of the past.”

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I understand how our society might have influenced the sexual laziness of women having dampened their exuberance from a tender age with different ideas of how a “model” woman should comport herself, and acts like circumcision, but truth is, there is no excuse.
A relationship with a sexually aware woman is one of the most refreshing things ever because she can tell you what she wants, how she wants it, and teaches you to do it. Forget Christianity, Islamity, and Idolatry, when the clothes are off, and the blood is burning hot, “Babes, you have to show  yo momma ain’t raised no wimp, but a lady who can give it, take it, and give it back as good as she gets.
There is no shame in calling your man and telling him you will fuck his brains out, then giving as good as you promised. Sex is a two way thing, and as long as you re not being forced with a gun to your head to do it, you might as well make it as memorable as possible for the both of you. Shag him, suck his D. As long as you are in a legitimate relationship, you can do it anytime privacy allows without shame.
Just In Case:  The penis can break if you handle it too roughly, so while you at it, handle with care.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Guys!!!!! How To Get Her Fall In Love With You Before You Even Meet Her

In the age of social media, it is no surprise that people look to it to find a partner. A lot of people have been able to strike and maintain a relationship with someone they meet online, and you can too. The down side of online dating is that you are left with the challenge of impressing her and getting her to have feelings for you even before you both get a chance to meet. But there are ways around this. Here are simple tips that can help you attract the online date of your choice and leave her with no choice but to want to meet with you.

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1. Create an Impressive Profile

An online profile is basically a first impression for anyone who comes in contact with you and this is the very first step to drawing her attention. Most women are usually bombarded by friend requests and messages, it is while going through all these profiles that they sift through and choose the most promising candidate.Make sure your profile is eye-catching, and even containing some funny elements. Remember, your profile picture should also reflect something you want potential mates to see. For example taking a picture with you being surrounded by alcohol or girls would certainly not help your chances. Try for a casual solo picture of yourself in a comfortable environment (work, school, church, home, etc).

2. Be Assertive

When you do end up getting a response from someone promising, be assertive in your communication with her. Online dating usually come with a pretty short attention span. It is not like you guys are facing each other with hours to talk about yourselves. As previously mentioned, she probably gets a lot of attention from different guys everyday so try not to be too boring.
When communicating with her, do it with a lot of humour and make sure you encourage her to open up about herself. Do not let there be too much of a lull in your conversations.

3. Share Interests

Since this is the part about getting to know each other, make sure you talk about your interests and also keep notes of hers. Talk about places she likes to visit and what she likes to do. Also make sure you point out things you have in common since these would become important subjects for conversations in future.

4. Act Like A Couple

Although you have not met her yet, you can put the idea of being a couple on her head by acting like one. Call her often, be her friend and talk to her when something interesting happens in your life.  Encourage her to also share things with you like how her day went, or what she is up to.

5. Get Romantic

To avoid being labeled as “just an online friend” make sure you chip in a few romantic subjects into your conversation. Let her know you are single, available and willing to pursue something with her. Let her know you consider her as your ideal woman and you enjoy talking with her.

6. Ask Her Out

Do not let too much time pass between when you start conversing online and when you meet her face-to-face. If she starts to have feelings for you while talking with her online, the feelings could easily go away if you do not find your way into her reality as soon as possible.


Fix an opportunity for you both to hang out, but do not, under any circumstances, suggest a first date at your house or she would easily discard you as one of those guys who just prowl the internet for sex, even though that might not be your intention. Choose a neutral location and arm yourself with all the information of her that you have since these are topics you would build on during your date.

Saturday, 2 July 2016

The Difference Between Dating A Man And Dating A Boy

A boy tells you he loves you. A man tells you he loves you and backs it up with his actions.
A boy makes you feel like you’re not good enough. A man makes you want to be a better person because you have so much genuine respect for him.
A boy is possessive. A man is protective.
A boy makes you feel like you need to downplay your accomplishments so as not to embarrass him.
A man is not threatened by your success, but proud of it, and inspired by it.
A boy is concerned with his own pleasure. A man cannot enjoy himself unless he knows you are too.
A boy underestimates you. A man is not afraid to challenge you, because he knows what you’re capable of.
A boy will be interested in your life for as long as he can get something out of it. A man will be interested in your life because he cares about you and wants to understand you more deeply as a person.
A boy is threatened by the idea of feminism, convinced that being feminist classifies you as angry, aggressive, and man-hating. A man understands that feminism is simply the belief that men and women are equal.
A boy thinks he must provide for you. A man knows that a relationship means the two of you are providing equally for each other.
A boy bottles everything up, and lashes out because of anger or other pent-up emotions. A man admits when he needs you and when he needs to talk, even if it makes him uncomfortable.

A boy is always thinking of whether or not he could do better. A man knows when he has something good right in front of him and never takes it for granted.

A boy makes excuses. A man admits when he’s screwed up, and always does everything he can to fix it.

A boy is either needy or impossible to get hold of. A man always makes time for you, while also making sure he has a life outside your relationship.

A boy is only interested in beauty. A man appreciates your physical beauty, but is most attracted to your personality.

A boy thinks he already knows everything. A man walks around with the mindset that there is always something new to learn from everyone he encounters.

A boy focuses on what he wants now, now, now. A man lives in the now but is always planning for the future.

A boy will spend time with the friends of yours – if he likes them. A man will spend time with your friends regardless of his feelings towards them, because if they’re important to you, they’re important to him.

A boy makes rash decisions based on his immediate desires. A man understands the concept of being rational and having priorities. 

A boy needs you because of his fragile self-esteem. A man needs you because he believes his life is better with you in it.

A boy is concerned with how you look to his friends. A man does not care about what other people think, as long as you’re happy together. 

A boy is ready to do anything to get want he wants. A man is ready to love without hesitation.